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Thomas Eskridge

Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Information
(321) 674-7455
Harris Center For Science and Engineering, 311


Human-AI Teamwork, Human-Centered AI, Human-Centered Design, Information Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cognitive Science

Personal Overview

Tom Eskridge is a Professor at the Florida Institute of Technology. Tom has been working to develop tools and techniques to support the capture, organization, and retrieval of knowledge. This work has led to the development of the CmapTools Ontology Editor (COE) for visualizing, browsing, and editing human-understandable ontologies, and several other extensions to CmapTools used during knowledge elicitation and subsequent knowledge management. His work on ontology development has enabled current efforts in representing and reasoning about various aspects of cybersecurity and multi-agents systems, and in developing systems for policy representation, reasoning, learning, and application in multi-agent systems.

Tom has also been very involved in performance-oriented information visualization, where the user interface is used to amplify the performance of the system operator. The aircraft cockpit system OZ is a prime example of this work. His other research interests and experience include models of knowledge capture and representation, human analogical reasoning, machine learning, classification, knowledge discovery and data mining, situated cognition, software, and real-world agents and foundational issues in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and philosophy. His Ph.D. was in Philosophy with an emphasis on artificial intelligence and cognitive science from Binghamton University, and he holds an M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Southern Illinois University. 

Educational Background

Ph.D., Philosophy, Binghamton University, 2012

M.S., Computer Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1987

B.S., Computer Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1986

Selected Publications

  1. Human-AI Teamwork Interface Design Using Patterns of InteractionsMomose, Kazuhiko, Mehta, Rahul, Moukpe, Josias, Weekes, Troy R., and Eskridge, Thomas C.International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2024
  2. Teamwork and Input Compositionality: UI Design for Taskwork or Teamwork?Momose, Kazuhiko, Mehta, Rahul, Moukpe, Josias, Almashayhkhi, Ali, Samkari, Waseem, Weekes, Troy R, Eskridge, Thomas C, and Kidwell, Daniel 2024
  3. Superteams: The effect of adaptive AI systems on operational performanceDemirjian, Eric, Eskridge, Thomas C, Walton, Abram, Sandall, Darrel L, Shah, Natalie, Bailey, Ryan, and Henderson, JohnNaval Engineering Journal 2024
  4. Nudging automated planners with learned user preferencesYaman, Fusun, Eskridge, Thomas C, Scott, Ron, Lin, Li, Miller, Jeff, and Carpenter, DanielIn invited submission to 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2024
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